Twitter + Europlates = Love

While you were busy fixing up your ride something cool happened, twitter.  What is twitter you might ask?  Twitter is a free social networking site that allows you to express yourself in 140 characters or less.  Users can update their page and read other peoples updates as well.  It’s basically a big chat room that gives you lightning fast information and a ton of ammo for water cooler conversations.

So why am I explaining all of this to you?  Because WER’RE ON TWITTER NOW FOLKS!  That’s right, you can stay up to date with what going on with  by following us on twitter.  You might also want to take a look at the people that follow us.  Most of them will share at least one interest with you…um cars.

Click here to start following our tweets and find our how to get special discounts, see what new with us and keep up to date on what’s happeneing in the world of

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